United States
2018 - An introduction to the RIMpro apple scab model - US
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RIMpro technology can help manage apple scab, other pests- Article in fruit grower news
Article Tree Fruit
Article "Agri 79"
2020 - Peronospora sotto la lente - Italy
2019 - La gestione della ticchiolatura nella frutticoltura biologica - Italy
Mildiou & oïdium : l’OAD RIMpro en test en Bourgogne
2019 - ishs-newfarm agriconsult-france belgique
South Africa
2019 - Real time information and forecasting of pest and disease management - SA
2018 - Two Years of Experience with RIMpro Apple Scab Prediction Model on Commercial Apple Farms in Eastern New York - US
2018 - RIMpro thinning model -EFM-2018-03 - Germany
United Kingdom
2018 - RIMpro thinning model - EFM-2018-03 - England
2018 - ProfilBio présentation de RIMpro - France
2018 - RIMpro thinning model -EFM-2018-03 - Netherlands
2018 - Comparison of DSS in viticulture -Israel
2017 - Comparison of two models used for forecasting of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in Norway - Norway
2017 - Hyperspectral Evaluation of Venturia inaequalis - US
2017- Farm specific apple scab information with your private virtual station EFM-2017-03
2017- Determination of most appropriate fungicide application time for Apple scab - Kosovo
2017 - Betriebsspezifische Schorfinformationen mit eigener virtueller Wetterstation - EFM-2017-03
2017- Bedrijfsspecifieke schurftinformatie met een eigen virtueel weerstation. EFM-2017-03
2016 - Evaluation of the RIMpro predictive model for control of apple scab in New England - US
2016 - Trapman ECOfruit-Hoplocampa-69bis76
2016 - Control of Marssonina leaf fall disease in organic apple production. EFM-06.2016
2016 - guide arboriculture fruitière biologique haute tige avec mention de RIMpro
2015 - Validation of the RIMpro Decision Support System for Apple Sawfly- Netherlands Belgium Denmark and Austria
2014 - Optimizing codling moth control using RIMpro. EFM-03.2014
2014 - Effective scab management in 2014 using RIMpro. EFM-02.2014
2014 - Biological facts for integrated control of apple canker. EFM-09.2014
2014 - control of apple scab according to computer Rimpro - Albania
2013 - Clements & Cooley - Two sources of data for scab models
2013 - First experiences with a new, agressive for of premature leaf fall in apple. EFM-07.2013
2012 - The European Apple Scab Sandwich. EFM 04-2012
2011 - RIMpro to reduce copper doses in Trentino - Italy
2011 - Innovative strategies for the control of apple scab in organic orchards- Belgium
2010 - Description and preliminary validation of RIMpro-Erwinia a new model for fireblight forecast - Canada
2010 - Validation of the apple scab simulator RIMpro using potted trees - Canada
2010 - PosterRIMpro - validation apple scab model - Canada
2008 - adaptation of the apple scab warning model RIMpro for integrated plant management in Latvia - Latvia
2006 - ARboBio n°108 - France
2004 - Development of a dynamic population model as a decision support for Codling moth - Belgium
2001 - Comparison of Scab Warning Systems in integrated apple production - Hungary