How can I renew my account ?
All RIMpro accounts are closed at the end of a growing season. That is 1st of January for the Northern hemisphere and 1st of July for the southern hemisphere.
If you want to keep using your RIMpro account, you need to renew your license.
- If you have a grower or an advisor account : go to and enter your username and password. Click on “renew my license”. Check and edit your personal information and click on “check and renew licence”.
- If you have a guest account (either from a group or from an advisor) : connect to the map of your advisory service. Select the scab model and go to the “Guest login” tab. Enter your username and password. Click on “renew my licensDon’t forget to check that the billing email I correct. The bill will be sent by email at this address within a few days. If your bill is not paid within the period indicated on your bill, your account will be closed.