How can I connect my Crodeon weather station
Connect to your Crodeon account
You can find your API key following these steps :
- Go to the “manage access token” section,
- Click on “add new token”
- Chose a name and Save. Leave the expiration date empty, if you want to use the API permanently.
- You can find your Master ID here :
This is the serial number of your Reporter, minus the B4-… in the front.
Go to your RIMpro account
Connect to your RIMpro account (or create one if you don’t already have one)
- Go to Administration>Location
- Click on “Add location” on top right
- Fill the name, GPS position, Altitude, Timezone of your station. If you have an advisor account, you can also choose a region for your station
- Chose the “Crodeon” interface
- Enter the API KEY from your Crodeon account
- Enter the Master ID from your Crodeon account
- Select your weather station in the drop down menu
NB: sometimes you have to click outside the form field (anywhere on the page) for your API key and master ID numbers to be taken into account
Save and Quit (or Save and Next to add another weather station)