Open an account directly with us

Step 1: Go to

If you already have an account from last year, please login to renew, this will avoid having to setup your weather station and set parameters again.

If this is your first time, welcome, we’ll explain how to create your account and get started in the following steps.

Step 2: Choose account type

Chose between 3 types of accounts : grower account, adviser account or guest account (you be a guest from a usergroup or from an advisor). Click here to find more informations about the different types of accounts

Step 3: Fill in your contact information

Chose a username, a password and fil your contact details

Step 4: Activate your account

Once your account has been created you can connect right away. The next step will be to set up your weather station into your account. We can help you with this, do not hesitate to contact us at

You will receive the bill within a few days.

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